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The birth of it all!

Updated: Dec 26, 2021

It’s been a good few years (roughly around 7) since I embarked on this journey of personal transformation. It was unfortunately so that it kinda… sorta…. began with my determination to get divorced! I was just so fed up with this bullshit of a marriage and I knew what the bible said about it and I asked anyone and everyone their opinion regarding what I was living. I asked all but myself. I had been in this situation for so long that I had relinquished all of my personal power in this situation. I had fallen victim to the narcissist. But, was I really a victim?

Going through this thought process took more than it really should’ve had but we sometimes second guess ourselves so much because we are not accustomed to utilizing our intuition or have been trained in time to ignore that visceral gut feeling that tells us clearly: THIS SUCKS! It took some conscious reprogramming of my thoughts to be able to break free from the cycle and I still struggle with it. The message was clear that the situation sucked but it was a choice to stay there. There is always a belief behind a behavior so what was my underlying belief about this? Part of them were, I must be paying for something I did, I deserve this, I’m a terrible wife so this is why it’s the way it is. I’m not good enough to deserve something better or to break free from this? It was then that I DECIDED that I was put on this earth TO BE EXTREMELY HAPPY and so it was born. The desire to improve me every day.

A new personal mantra was born. Happiness is the best revenge. Digging into the deepest areas of myself, extracting all pain, bringing the light and letting it shine. Taking control of my own destiny, facing my fears, expanding my mind, moving forward, healing my life, daring. All of these became my life project. My project, a movement. My personal mission to set an example while making an impact in the lives of others that need to rebuild themselves. People that wish to lead an extremely exciting and satisfying life as well. I had been born again.

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