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How Access Bars™ improved my mental health and can do the same for you!

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Access bars... What's that??? Before I hop into explanations that'll only make you tune out... let me tell you what brought me to discover Access Bars™ and how my mental health and life have never been the same...

I heard about the bars from my dear friend, colleague, and, mentor Carid Báez after I took one of her Mastermind programs, this program in itself is life-changing. Carid assists in diving into healing the inner child with great expertise. I highly recommend her program whenever it becomes available again because she doesn't have it continuously. You can follow her here. During the mastermind process, I was able to reconnect with my true essence and who I wanted to be in this reality. After closing the computer on the first session, I received a clear confirmation that I should finish what I had started 3 years before, which was to become a certified yoga instructor. I reached out to the school and began as soon as it was possible, not even knowing how I was going to pay for it or how it was going to get done, I just knew I was going all in! As I had just finished my YTT200, She invited me to this class where a doctor from Puerto Rico was flying in to teach in Orlando where I was residing. The YTT200 was a marvelous experience and opened me up to this world of energy. At that point, I had already gotten verified as a Reiki master and Pranic Healer but, I was still apprehensive about the practice of those due to religious beliefs. Nonetheless, Access bars™ came into my life when I was ready to receive it.

Hands held together with palms up and a sparkling light coming from them
Energy work

I asked my friend what it was about and she didn't say much, only that she was taking the class herself and proceeded to forward some videos to me but quite frankly, I didn't even watch them... Instead, I assisted the class to receive the session and see what the fuss was all about. It was then that I met Dr. Dulmary Figueroa and Aniluz Avila, both Access Bars™ facilitators. Aniluz began to give the initial briefings for the class which sparked my curiosity when I started hearing keywords related to mental health (or triggers, depending on how you look at it) like anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD... It was then that I decided that I would stay to take the class.

The keywords hit close to home as I have been on the road to healing myself, in my emotions and mental health, and assisting my immediate family ever since I became awake and aware that we are the creators of our own experiences and it's not about what happens to us but how we react to it. I had also made some career choices that led me to the path of helping others come to this awareness as well. I realized that the back story of the beggar in the corner and the hugely successful person is typically the same; the big difference being in the individual choices those people have made for themselves. Without going into details right now, I've experienced many trauma-inducing situations that have given me a unique makeup for assisting others in breaking away from the scars left behind. Having experienced situations such as experiencing narcissistic abuse, and, gaslighting, verbal abuse in childhood and marriage, suicidal ideations in self and family, witnessing domestic violence, witnessing violent crimes...

Woman covering her face with her hands
Trauma inducing situations can silently influence the decisions in your life.

So yeah... you can imagine how intrigued I was to see what this class could shift in my life and mental health for my family and me. I had a lot of fun during the class and paid so much attention... it was very exciting to feel the powerful energy of this class. I recall not allowing myself to drift off into sleep during the bars™ sessions I received that day, regardless of how relaxed I felt because my brain was completely turned on by curiosity. During the class, I heard the story of Dr. Dain Heer, one of the founders of access consciousness. You can hear the story in his own words when he was a keynote speaker for Vishen Lakhiani at the Mindvalley stage here.

The very next day after receiving the bars™ session twice during the class, so much energy was shifted that I spent the entire day sleeping and replenishing. The second day I woke up feeling very energized and feeling happy, optimistic, and just overall different.

This newfound brightness in my world triggered my curiosity even more about what this was.

I began to listen to many videos from access consciousness available on their YouTube channel, I read many of their books (Embodiment, Money is not the problem, you are, How to become Money Workbook, The Joy of Business, The Right Body for you, Being You, changing the world, Magic, you are it be it, Talk to the entities...) I was hooked!!! More importantly, I was living in a different way since then. I dared do things that I had been dreaming of for many years but always saw as unattainable. The biggest of those were buying a house and starting a business both of which came to be just a few months after the class. I realized that my biggest hurdles were fear and rejection. They had molded my life and decisions up until then. The greater awareness that I was able to obtain through receiving the bars™ and taking the class allowed me to see things from a higher perspective than ever before. Instead of coming to conclusions like "I'll never be able to _____" I began to ask open-ended questions without trying to be the solution or the answer and allowed the universe to surprise me by bringing me the answer without me having to effort for it.

Woman running bars™ of another woman while laughing in nature
The Access bars™ is a very expansive therapy that can be practiced anywhere.

There are many nuances to this story that I am not sharing for privacy reasons but if we ever get to speak personally I'd be happy to share in full detail all the miraculous events exactly how they happened and keep happening for me. Unfortunately, this is one of the services that I offer that IS NOT available online as Access Consciousness does not endorse running bars™ at a distance so if you're local to central Florida, it would be my greatest pleasure to run your bars™ or certify you as an official practitioner in this wonderful modality that has changed my life forever and it can do the same for you!

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