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The Map to Loving Me

Updated: Dec 26, 2021

Sometimes we tend to live life feeling frustrated, everything around us becomes irritating, our hopes are diminished and we feel confused, tired and everything just plain sucks!!! The fast pace in which we live in just makes everything worse and the time comes when we are no longer capable of sustaining an enthusiastic spirit and we completely give into living day by day as if it were groundhog day. Nothing new happens, no spark of joy lights within, no new ideas, NO LIVING JUST EXISTING!!! I’ve felt this way so many times I can’t even count and life is either too long or short to live this torturous way!!! It all stops when we realize that we are NOT powerless over these feelings or situations.

We must become conscious of what life choices have brought us to this point and assume full responsibility for the present manifestation of these choices. Have you betrayed yourself by becoming a full time people pleaser? I have, and I’ve hated every minute of it!!! Including hating myself for it!!! To overcome this mindset we have to make a decision to connect with our inner self and be true to the wonder that is YOU!!! We have to be clear on what we want to see in our lives, what our dreams and goals are and what we cannot tolerate happening!!! (Way too much exclamation marks huh?) We are able to do so by asking and sincerely from the bottom of the heart answering every single question that makes us connect to who we are and what we stand for. I was doing a research on how questions make us go in a trans-derivational search to try to make sense of everything, therefore, connecting us to the deepest parts of our inner being (just one of those cool tricks our brain does) and I found an extremely interesting questionnaire. To see it click on the link here. It consist of a list of 1,000 questions some funny, some absurd, and some very interesting. Once this definition of ourselves part is done, we must now act upon that new perspective of who we are and never ever ever…. betray who we are because we love ourselves enough not to do this ever again. Coolest part of having your own answer to all these questions is the side effect, A LIFE LIVED WITH PURPOSE, enjoyment and fulfillment. It’s all about the inner game so our outer game can greatly improve.

I hope you find this post useful and or inspiring, feel free to comment and subscribe for more similar posts, you can also suggest any topic you would like to read about. Love and Kisses.

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