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Emergency Tool Box. Life can be Wonderful When Lived Under the Right Perspective.

I’ve recently come across several very difficult situations in my personal life and have been struggling to keep my hopes up and walking the talk in the midst of the situations I have been faced with. Several tools have been extremely helpful and I am listing them here for your convenience so you too can apply these in your own “little struggles”.

  • Change your perspective of the situation itself. Instead of thinking how terrible the events have been, don’t overrate them. Keep them simple and adhere to the facts. Do not analyze them in the light of emotions, feelings, thoughts etc. Keep drama away at all cost!!!

  • Have POSITIVE faith. Faith is a belief, so instead of having NEGATIVE faith (believing everything will go wrong), focus on all the things that can go right and firmly believe they will. Your beliefs will then create the proper conditions for the right things to manifest and come about.

  • Stand your ground. Determine your value and what you will or simply will not tolerate. Be strong and focused on this.

  • Feed your soul. In the events of such situations you must take loving care of yourself, make room for some quiet time, for a special treat, a moment of relaxation, be in good company, watch your health, surround yourself with encouragement, exercise, watch funny movies, indulge yourself, look at some beautiful art, embrace nature, breathe!!! Too much is never enough on this when times are tough.

  • Clarify your purpose. Be certain of the intentions behind your actions. Are they for a greater good? Will they bring about your desired outcome? Having these, (and any other questions of the sort), clarified will strengthen your determination for action.

  • Be Kind to Yourself. No matter the outcome, remind yourself you are human and make mistakes. Mistakes can be visualized as catastrophic but I rather change that thinking pattern and see them as experiences, ways of how a particular action doesn’t work in favor of my goal, I actually visualize them as elements that make life interesting!!! How absolutely boring life would be if we always got our way and everything would always turn out perfect for us huh???

  • Reject emotional scaring. Decide here and now, TODAY that this will just another learning experience in life and that it will just build your confidence, strength, skills and knowledge. Exercise positive perspective and viewing this and any event as a growth opportunity rather than an event that scars you in any way.

What I just exposed are some of my emergency tool box. Life can be wonderful when lived under the right perspective. Sometimes that perspective needs some serious tweaks!!! Hope this is as helpful for you as it is always for me. Love you guys, do comment, do share, do subscribe. You are also welcome to email me at

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